Living with precision and softness

Josh Hersh
2 min readMay 6, 2023


It’s been just over six weeks since I started my (most recent) fitness journey. One where I, thankfully, have a trainer rooting me on.

While I’ve often been active, whether doing the occasional cardio session or playing tennis, this is the longest I’ve ever been consistent in working toward the body I envision.

The day-to-day is a bunch of simple things: getting my heart rate up, sweating, lifting weights, eating simple foods. While it’s simple, there’s also a precision to it that my Virgo self adores.

Order and structure are calming to me. Building these habits and routines bring with them a new rhythm in my life. At the same time, precision tends to invite a seriousness that’s easy for me to fall into.

Where is the play? Where is lightheartedness? Even though I come from a family rich in laughter and humor, I can find myself hard-charging and holding my shoulders up to my ears if I’m not fully present.

While precision has served me well over these last several months, my morning walk today reminded me of the importance of softness.


Wet flowers. Wafts of freshness. The smooshing of dirt beneath my feet. I walked Land’s End this morning…a gorgeous trail on the very northwestern tip of San Francisco. It’s a lot like it sounds — where the land ends…where the state of California and North American continent meets the vast, wise Pacific Ocean.

The presence of this area if botanically lush and bursting with Mother Earth’s aromas — hints of cotton candy, funk and stank, healing eucalyptus. A cornucopia of herbaceous green garden scents.

There was a softness that jutted up against my precision-oriented mind in such a gentle way. Here, I let my shoulders down, walked mindfully, and was simply in the space humans are designed to be in. It’s our home.

Just below the trail are craggy rocks, reminiscent of the Jurassic era. The soothing crash and tumble of waves is the primary soundtrack…along with the wistful wind and chattering chorus of various species of birds.

The walk reminded me that while in the midst of any goal or challenge in life, remember to soften. Be gentle. Precision is a vital element, but without softness, it’s easy to lose the joy of the journey. ▪️

Originally published at on May 6, 2023.



Josh Hersh

Seeker. Writer. Hot cocoa entrepreneur. Cat dad. Musings about spirituality, ecology, and more.